Conscious Health Immersion (CHI)

Blue Mountain Retreat Center

Knoxville, MD

Friday, August 16 – Monday, August 19


Slow Down to Attune

Immerse yourself in a journey of self-reflection, authentic connection, and deep rest, nestled among the serene beauty of nature in Harper’s Ferry.

Rest into Intuition

 Rest into expansive feeling states, access inner resources, and listen deeply to your body’s wisdom and the exquisite messages your intuition has to share.

Renew your Life Force

Renew yourself with creative inspiration fresh insights, ideas, and patterns.  Gather the inner heart-centered soulful courage to express and co-create the better future that wants to emerge.



You’ll access the beautiful grounds of Blue Mountain Retreat Center to connect directly to the earth and the elements every day.

There will also be opportunities for guided nature inquiries to cultivate insights from the more than human world.

A connection to the Earth through grounding naturally promotes regulated body systems. Notice improvements in your nervous system as you tune into the wonder of life on this planet.

You may experience improved sleep, regulated appetite, reduction in pain, uplifted mood, and more.



Engage in twice daily yoga practices, which are designed to get you in touch with your felt sense of inner wisdom deep within the soma.

With morning Somatic Yoga, expect to reset your nervous system, realign your musculoskeletal system, and feel really grounded, peaceful and energized for the day.

Evening Restorative Yoga classes focus on relaxation, rest, and inner space to support healthy posture, boost healing and recovery, and leave you feeling whole, expanded and ready to receive the intuitive guidance of your wise spirit.



Powerful guided breathwork journeys will help you release blocks in the physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies.

As you let go of these layers, you can embrace the love, beauty and truth of your vibrant spirit.

Let yourself move through and let go of structural conditioning so that you can access the wisdom of your deep self to feel confident and free.



In the evenings, we will gather by the fire to sing healing songs, just as our ancestors did.

As a comm-unity, we will dream ourselves into a remembrance of the healing power of music, rhythm, song, and connection.

Sacred Fire gives us a chance to burn away and clear ourselves of dense energies that we pick up in daily life. As the warmth and connection nourishes us, we remember our place in the wheel of life.



Drop into the frequencies of crystal and brass sound healing bowls to experience a synchronization of your personal energy field with the synthesis of vibrational infused healing tones.



What happens when a group of conscious humans comes together to practice, breathe, grow and learn? Everything happens! 

Get ready to remember that you deeply belong, you are seen, heard, welcomed, wanted, and you matter.

Expect authentic moments of connection, creativity, relating from the heart, laughter, and a remembering of your deepest gifts, talents and abilities.

Our Gift Economy Model

A Revolutionary Approach to Reciprocal Exchange

We trust in the power of your heartfelt contributions to support our Guides and the continuation of their vital work in the world.


Why Choose a Gift Economy?

Compassion and Generosity

The gift economy fosters a culture of giving and receiving, where each contribution is an act of love and support. It allows you to offer what you can, based on your personal circumstances and the value you’ve received. 


Your donations directly support our teachers, enabling them to continue their life-changing work and reach more people. This sustainable model ensures that we can keep offering these retreats and expand our community of healing and growth.


A Better Future

By participating in a gift economy, you are contributing to a shift towards a more compassionate and interconnected world. Your generosity helps build a future where support and kindness are the cornerstones of our interactions.


In alignment with the values of compassion and generosity, we are proud to implement a gift economy as the foundation of our financial exchange for the immersion.

This means there is no set fee to participate beyond the hard costs to cover expenses for the immersion to happen. Instead, we trust in the power of your heartfelt contributions to support our facilitators and the continuation of their vital work.


Choose Your Adventure

Customize your experience with a choice of options, ranging from our all-inclusive full immersion to individual day passes and private healing sessions.


3-Night All-Inclusive Conscious Health Immersion

Treat yourself to an incredible, yet affordable, holistic health experience within the sacred container of our living community ecosystem.


Here’s what’s included in your stay.

Includes all lodging, meals, workshops, classes and scheduled activities!


Community Meals

Self-serve breakfast items provided.

Delicious plant-based lunch and dinner prepared fresh daily by Beth, the retreat owner.


Single, double, triple and quadruple occupancy rooms with single beds. Shared bathrooms.

If you prefer camping, contact Lorien for your options. Campers will have access to house bathrooms and community meals.


Daily Yoga & Meditation Classes

Be guided twice daily through yoga and meditation classes with Lorien as a core part of the immersion. 

Experiential Workshops with Guest Presenters

Participate in daily experiential workshops with guest presenters who bring a range of wisdom and expertise in conscious healing and development.

Outdoor Activities

Hike down the mountain to the canal, or hop in your car and drive to another spot to access the Appalachian trail. Feel free to bring your bike and climbing gear.

Nightly Community Fire

Weather permitting, fires will be offered Friday, Saturday and Sunday night to gather, sing, make music, and LOVE.






$200 Deposit

$200 30-Days Out

$350-550 at the end of the Immersion


You are required to complete an application, and schedule a call with Lorien to ensure this immersion is a good fit.

Once approved, a $200 non-refundable deposit is due to hold your space.

Another $200 is due 30-days prior to the start date to help cover our expenses. 

At the end of the immersion, you will be invited to offer a sliding scale gift to pay for the remainder of the program. The invitation is to provide payment that is a stretch but not a burden. This payment will go directly to Lorien  for her efforts to produce and facilitate all the beautiful details. 

Individualized payment options are available on request.



Single Day Pass

Saturday or Sunday



Here’s what’s included in your Day Pass.

Lunch & Dinner

Delicious plant-based lunch and dinner prepared fresh daily by Beth, the retreat owner.

Yoga & Meditation

You’ll have the option to participate in one or both of the yoga & meditation sessions offered by Lorien that day.

Experiential Workshops

You’ll have the opportunity to participate in two experiential workshops offered during the day. 

Nightly Community Fire

Weather permitting, fires will be offered Friday, Saturday and Sunday night to gather, sing, make music, and LOVE.

Enhance Your Experience


Paid Direct to Service Provider – not included.

Outdoor Gear Rental

Local bike rental services are available in Harper’s Ferry.

If you are interested in rafting/kayaking, you’ll need to organize with a local river guiding service, or if you are experienced and have gear, you know what to do!

Meet Your Guides


Lorien is a tantrik yogini, nature lover, musician, artist, and Projector in human-design. She has been walking the path of consciousness awakening for many years and is thrilled to share this path with you.

As a well-respected teacher in the Baltimore area since 2005, she is attuned to emergent needs within the community and is committed to being in right relations with all who enter her sacred container. Her mission is to empower humans to express their most authentic selves across all aspects of their lives through mindfulness, embodiment, and shared values.

Her vision is one of conscious community, meaningful healing, inspiration, and action to leave the planet better than how we found it, to walk in an aligned way and leave our legacy as good ancestors to this Earth. 



Sahffi Lynne (they/she) is an international medicine musician, vocal coach, and sacred plant facilitator offering their music, meditations, and teachings as medicine to illuminate our connection.

Sahffi’s channeled original music and spirit-inspired performances have taken their melodies around the world, from Peru to Zimbabwe. As a private vocal coach, Sahffi teaches those interested in deepening their relationship with their voice using their own “Vocal Ladder” method of teaching.

Sahffi will be providing us original music medicine to accompany our cacao ceremony. 



Nicholas Tomaskovic-Devey is our Founder and the visionary creator of the AcuSoundBath model and the 

He is an Acupuncturist, Sound and Light Healer, Vocalist, Musician, Chinese Clinical Herbalist, Body Worker, and certified Katonah Yoga Teacher. It is his great joy to work for collective and individual Harmony on Planet Earth. 

He offer his medicine through Harmony Works in Baltimore. A place he aspires will serve the next 7 generations, honors the ancestors, build a world where wellness and vibrational medicine is highly accessible and affordable to all people, everywhere. 

Nicholas will be providing his signature AcuSoundBath experience, combining ear acupuncture and sound healing.


Please apply for the immersion and then we’ll book a call. 



Take a deep breath

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The Yoga Room


Blue Mountain Retreat Center

Blue Mountain Retreat Center

Nature calls you